Brother Hl 2280dw Driver For Windows
To download the Brother HL 2280DW driver on your Windows system, follow the instructions given below.
- First, you need to log into the official site of the Brother printer from your web browser.
- Select your region on the homescreen of the Brother printer.
- Click the Product Search option in the Search by Product section.
- Enter the Brother HL 2280DW printer keyword in the search field given or select your printer model in the Search by Product Category section.
- Click the Monochrome Laser Printer option in the Search by Product Category section and select the HL-2 series in the HL section.
- Select the HL-2280DW option followed by Downloads.
- Click the Radio button next to the Windows option and select your operating system version type.
- Click the OK button. Now the selected driver file will start to download on your Windows system.
- Once the download process completes, open it and begin the Brother Hl 2280dw driver installation process.
Brother Hl 2280dw Driver Mac
To download the Brother HL 2280DW printer driver for your Mac system, perform the procedures given below.
- Go to the official page of the Brother printer and select your region or country to begin the driver download process.
- Select your printer category in the Search by Product Category section or directly enter the printer model number or name in the search field and click the Search button.
- Select your printer model series in the Select your Product Series section.
- Click the Downloads tab. Select the Mac operating system & its version type in the Select OS Family and Select OS Version sections.
- Click the OK button. Now the Brother Hl 2280dw driver download process begins.
- Once the Brother printer driver download process is done, you can start the Brother HL 2280dw Printer setup installation process.
Brother Hl 2280dw Driver and Software Installation
- To install the Brother HL 2280DW printer driver on your Windows or Mac system, perform the instructions given below.
- Begin the installation process by opening the downloaded Brother HL 2280DW printer driver file.
- Click the Run button on the Confirmation screen.
- Click the I Accept button on the Installation Agreement screen.
- Perform the on-screen instructions. Make sure to select the Brother printer when prompted.
- Select the connection type by clicking the Radio button next to the option and click the OK button.
- Click the Install button and wait for the installation process to complete.
- Once the Brother HL 2280DW driver is installed on your computer successfully, try a test print to check the printer functions.